6 Simple Real-Time Customer Experience Steps To Success

With the Real-Time Customer Experience space still in relative infancy, anyone with responsibility for delivering the best possible customer experience can often struggle to get started. We’ve worked with a lot of clients who’ve got an abundance of ideas, but are struggling to prioritize these let alone have strategies in place and delivering. That’s where we find the following approach works.

1. Identify your customer and business goals

Having clearly defined goals that your organization is trying to achieve for example growing new product lines or retaining market share, balanced with customer needs such as time saving services or competitive pricing. It is important to understand these to focus on CX Initiatives that deliver for both your customers and organization and measure success.

2. Know your customers

It’s good to understand your customers and their behaviors. Think about how they are interacting with you, think about where customers are dropping out of processes or suffering challenging experiences. Think about the types of customers who are going through particular processes – are they your highest value ones or a mix? You don’t need to swamp yourself with data, just start to think about your customers. After all, you don’t just want to drive a better experience, but a better customer experience.

3. Develop potential CX use cases

Alongside your data, you can also let your creative juices flow. Think about potential customer journeys use cases where there is a problem and come up with ways to fix it. Start to map out the process. To share your thinking, we create CX Vision Cards for each story outlining the problem, the suggested improvements, and the potential benefits. With just a few hour’s work you’ll be able to create plenty of potential ‘Opportunities’.

4. Pick the best

You can’t fix everything in a day, so it makes sense to prioritize your real-time customer journey use cases. Whilst it’s tempting to pick those with the biggest potential ROI, sometimes it makes more sense to focus on ones that are easy to deliver, can provide a ROI fast and give people confidence in your real-time customer experience activity. Once you’ve built confidence you can roll out others which may require more stakeholders to be involved.

5. Agile Design

Once you’ve chosen your initial use cases, then you can do the detailed planning. We’ve found an agile methodology works well as it lets you deliver fast and keeps things flexible ensuring rapid time to value Try not to get bogged down trying to build the perfect solution, better to be good and fast than perfect and slow.

6. Measure and Refine

If you’ve designed your solution right, then you should automatically be able to see business benefits vs a control group. You can use this to prove the ROI you are returning, but also be able to see if you need to refine it for everyone or for particular customer segments.

Using this exact approach has helped our clients deliver multi-million dollar benefits to their business. Fancy finding out more? Got some great real-time customer experience ideas but don’t know quite where to start? We would love to hear from you.

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