Driving better Customer Journeys through Analytics and Research

Every brand wants to better understand customers.  It could be knowing the products they buy, the channels they engage with, the journeys they go on, or how they feel about the brand.  Some of these are well served with proven established approaches, but the relatively new area of Journey Analytics opens up new challenges.

Now, companies want to fully understand each customers journey across different touchpoints, and see if they complete journeys or ‘drop-off’ along the way.  They want to plan out ideal journeys, visualize actual customer journeys, spot problem areas, know what customers feel about the journey, and where they think it could be improved.

To really understand those journeys, companies need to bring together three things, the business view, actual customer behaviour and the opinions of customers.  With these three aspects combined, you can really understand Customer Journeys and how to improve them.

Alterian Venn Diagram

Alterian combines all three of these elements into a single platform that enables companies to rapidly gain a holistic view of their customer’s journeys, discover new insights and test new initiatives.


Within a business there will be lots of opinions on the journeys you want customers to go on – the idealized journey. Having the ability to map these journeys, on an interactive digital whiteboard, can help to bring together the expert opinion of those in your business. This can be a great starting point to identify journey gaps. Perhaps you don’t have the right personalized content on the website, you can’t spot them in a call centre queue, or your emails don’t adapt to behavior.

With the Idealized Journey, you can design your ideal journey and then start to plug the gaps with new initiatives.

Idealized Journeys


Whilst the business view is useful, it’s even better to supplement it with actual journey behavior. Knowing where they visit, which channels they use, and if and where they drop off before completing a journey. This is where specialist Journey Analytics is an invaluable starting point.

It brings actual customer behavior to life. Do customers stay in a single channel, or switch channels. Do they engage in a continuous journey, or drop off and return? Do they use just the digital channels or also go face to face or use the phone? Which of these is used?

As well as bringing these journeys to life, you can start layering on other data, such as segments, programmes, and research to add an extra rich picture of your customers.

Journey Analytics


You can gain an even deeper understanding of customers by incorporating research data into the mix. Initially, this may involve using customer satisfaction results to see where customers score you poorly in a journey. Perhaps you make it too tricky for them to register, or make it difficult to change an account or appointment. Collecting the customers’ point on their journey is simple and fast with the x-ii PULSE survey, developed in collaboration with our partners in the CX community. Taking only 3 minutes of your customer’s time, you can discover how they find the journey based on Ease and Enjoyment, get their view on where to improve, and even test new approaches.

The insight you gather then flows directly into easy to use dashboards, where you can keep a constant watch on your customers opinions.

CX Dashboards
C-Pulse Survey


Analytics and Insight can be invaluable to understand your customers and how they behave. The crucial part though is being able to act on this insight and test the impact of new journey enhancements. At Alterian it’s something that is in our heritage or turning insight into action. That’s why we bake into our tech, the ability to spot people in a journey, and let you dynamically create better actions for those people, across any of your touchpoints.

By having a fully integrated Journey Analytics and Journey Orchestration platform it is so much faster and easier to use the learnings to personalise and improve journeys for each customer.

Journey Orchestration


If the above has started you thinking about Analytics and Insight in your customer journeys, then the Impact Indicator Report will be invaluable. 2020 was an unprecedented year, causing turmoil, upheaval and opportunities across industries. Our partners oomph, developed a specific research programme, measuring the impact on firms and consumers. For a full copy of the results click here to download a copy.

If you want to find out more about Journey Analytics, Customer Behavior tracking or Turning Insight into Action, then register here for a demo and discovery call.

Download Report

Oomph COVID-19 Impact Study

About Alterian

Alterian has a 20-year history of delivering leading real-time customer experience (CX) solutions to brands across the US, UK and Australia. Alterian have been recognized as a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Journey Orchestration Platforms, Q2 2024 and received the highest scores possible in 18 criteria, including customer journey analytics and customer journey orchestration across channels, scalability, generative AI and innovation.

Key features of Alterian’s leading Real-time Customer Experience Platform:

  • Insight and AI-driven decisioning
  • Personalize to consumers in real-time
  • Comprehensive real-time reporting
  • Integrate and turbo-charge existing channels and systems
  • Scalable model customized to business needs

Read more about Alterian’s Real-time Customer Experience Platform and unique approach.

About oomph

oomph is a customer experience advisory agency that specialises in digital business. The X-ii PULSE has been developed by our CX advisory partners at oomph and combines rigorous and tested CX methodologies with research and analysis to guide organisations through the implementation of a practical customer experience strategy.

It has been developed from the qual/quant Decision Juice survey platform and the COVID-19 Impact Analysis study methodology.

To find out more about oomph visit www.oomphagency.com