Alterian Included In Forrester Research’s Now Tech: Journey Management Platforms, Q4 2021

Alterian has been recognized by independent research firm Forrester Research’s Now Tech: Journey Management Platforms, Q4 2021 report published on December, 2021. Alterian has been identified in the primary functionality segment of customer journey orchestration.

Written by Forrester’s Joana de Quintanilha, the Now Tech report provides an overview of 35 vendors on their real-time interaction management solutions and their ability to help companies orchestrate and improve their customer experience.  Forrester states  “You can use journey management platforms to digitize journey maps to bridge silos; discover, optimize, and prove the value of journeys; and automate and scale journeys by orchestrating them in real time.”

Forrester goes on to define Journey Management as “The practices of journey mapping and journey orchestration (which includes analytics) to improve customer experiences and business results across all phases of the customer lifecycle.”

“We believe being recognized in the Customer Journey Management space by Forrester shows the value of the Alterian platform to the industry”, says Bob Hale, CEO at Alterian. “Journey Management and the focus on customer journey orchestration to deliver the most relevant next best action in real-time within the customer journey is paramount to meeting the expectation of the customer. Alterian focuses on real-time customer journey orchestration and delivering insights to action with our clients. Demonstrating rapid time to value through an agile use case approach that brings value to clients whilst delivering on ROI.”

Alterian has a 20-year history globally delivering leading real-time customer experience (CX) solution and has been recognized as a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Journey Orchestration Platforms, Q2 2024.  Alterian’s leading Real-Time CX Platform orchestrates customers’ journeys across channels in the moment with ease, delivering an exceptional end-to-end customer experience.

If you would like to find out how Alterian Real-Time CX Platform can help your business move forward with Customer Journey Management please get in touch today.

To download the report, please visit the Forrester website – this report is only available to Forrester subscribers or to those who wish to purchase the report.

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