3 Ways Real-Time CX Can Reduce Costs

Cost Savings with Real-Time Customer Experience

It seems like most organizations are under constant pressure to reduce costs and operate more efficiently. Well, what if there was a way to do this with real-time CX, but still maintain a great Customer Experience?

Many of our clients have been able to generate substantial cost savings, so much so, that one said, “you guys have moved our business from the red to the black”. Here are 3 ways that you can start reducing costs but not harm your customer experience.


Reducing the Length of Phone Calls. We’ve helped clients reduce call duration and hence cost by combining the call center and web/mobile channels at the same time. Many calls originate after a customer has been on your website, perhaps they don’t want to complete the process until they’ve spoken to a call center agent. Using real-time CX technology, you can listen for a customer’s online behavior and then link that in real-time as they engage with the call center. You can arm the call center agent with this online activity to speed up the call, or even intercept the customer in the IVR system and suggest how they can self-complete the task online. You could even send a link to help this by email or SMS. It sounds simple, but these steps really cut costs, and avoid good customers getting trapped in a busy call center queue.


Piggyback existing interactions. Each time a customer gets in touch with you is a chance to enhance your reputation with the customer and suggest other things they might be interested in. It surely makes sense that you tailor these conversations and pro-actively guide them at a time they’ve chosen to engage with your brand. If a customer is checking an account, you might want to suggest other products to consider, or steer them towards a useful page on the website. Not only are you providing a better real-time customer experience, but you could also avoid the cost of communicating with them via your other sales and marketing activity.


Reducing wastage on purchasers. It’s always great when a customer buys from you, but how much better if you can cut those post purchase costs. We’ve all seen the situation as customers where we have made a purchase but still receive marketing messages, online ads and social ads promoting the very product we’ve just purchased. By using a real-time CX technology, you can connect to your other channels, and switch off much of this activity the millisecond your customer buys. Meaning you can either reduce cost, or just make sure your budget goes on those who haven’t yet bought.

Our clients are always coming up with new ideas for cost reducing using our real-time CX platform so why not get in touch to hear more and start to see how we could help improve your bottom line with real-time CX.

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