Customer Journey Analytics And Customer Journey Orchestration – A Vital Pair

Customers today demand immediacy and personalization when interacting with your company – whether they’re applying for a loan, booking a holiday, or upgrading their phone plan. The brands that are best equipped to exceed those needs will come out on top. 

It’s all about understanding customer needs as they interact across different channels and responding in real-time to deliver the best experience. Being able to see and understand what your customer wants would give you the power to hyper-personalize their experience, in that very moment. 

So, how can you achieve this? It relies on sophisticated technology that lets you analyze and act upon insights in real-time to deliver experiences tailored to the individual customer and optimized for business performance. Having this not only improves overall customer experience, but it also reduces churn, drives customer loyalty, strengthens NPS, and improves ROI. A platform such as Alterian’s Real-time CX platform, which comprises both Customer Journey Analytics and Orchestration, makes this possible.


What is Customer Journey Orchestration, what is Customer Journey Analytics, and how do they work together?

Forrester Research defines Customer Journey Orchestration as a solution used to “discover, automate, and optimize customer journeys. CJO platforms use real-time data at the individual customer level to analyze current behavior, predict future behavior, and adjust journeys in the moment.”  

In short, it allows for customer-led journeys based on individuals’ real-time interactions rather than the traditional brand-led journeys you’ve mapped out. It connects to and pulls real-time information from all your existing customer channels and data sources, so in-moment customer behaviors can be responded to as they happen. It’s dynamic and completely tailored to the person’s needs at that very second. Which is exactly what today’s customer wants. 

Customer Journey Analytics is what gives you visibility of real-time and historical data from across different journeys, so you can quickly pinpoint friction points, breakpoints, and opportunities when and where they happen. It’s a powerful and valuable tool. However, if these insights are actioned using traditional marketing tech, the benefits are lost due to lack of timeliness, lack of cohesiveness, and the failure to respond to in-moment behaviors. 

This is exactly why Customer Journey Analytics needs to be implemented in combination with Customer Journey Orchestration. They are a complementary pair, working together to drive optimal performance.  

Right now, too many businesses believe these technologies to be separate solutions. The fact is, implementing one without the other will limit your business growth and performance.  

It’s no longer enough to focus on offering the best price or having the strongest brand. Now, more than ever, businesses must prioritize their customer experience to remain competitive. Adopting a fully integrated Customer Journey Analytics and Customer Journey Orchestration platform allows you to do just that, giving you the power to take full control of the customer experience and deliver exceptional customer experience in the moment. This will rapidly improve business returns and offer far more value than either of the solutions are able to offer individually.

Ready to discover the power of a holistic Customer Journey Analytics and Customer Journey Orchestration solution? Get in touch with us today. 

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