Digital Transformation Powered By Real-Time CX – Its Time Has Come

It’s been a whirlwind of change recently.  The impact of Covid-19 has caused us all to act differently.  Whether as customers or in our work, things have certainly changed.  Whilst digital transformation has been on most companies agenda, it’s sometimes taken a back seat.  Not now.  Home working, lockdown, spare time, money worries have seen to that.  The companies that survive and thrive in the new normal world will be the ones who can fast-track their digital transformation.

You don’t want to replace your existing technology, who has the time and budget anyway?  But can you make your existing tech work harder?  That’s where a Real-Time CX platform can turbo-charge your existing tech stack and drive digital transformation.

Digital Transformation

What is needed to deliver Digital Transformation using Real-Time CX? 


Who wants lengthy implementation cycles?  We don’t and nor do clients.  That’s why any Real-Time CX needs to be capable of being live and delivering value in days and weeks – not months and years. Whilst you are keen to adopt, you probably don’t want to be a pioneer learning as you go.  That’s why we’ve developed our Fast-Track Implementation Blueprint.  Focused around your business challenges, they include a package of tried and tested tools, connectors, reports, visualizations and pre-built journeys which work.  So, rather than starting with a blank sheet of paper, you can tailor our Blueprint.  You will be up and running in 6 weeks or less.


It’s great to start fast, but what if things change.  That’s why you should choose user friendly Real-Time CX software designed for people just like you.  Whether it’s using a CX Dashboards to measure success, Journey Analytics to track customer behaviour or Journey Orchestration to manage your decisions it’s got to be easy to use.  Most clients are keen to use these tools themselves.  It makes sense.  You can respond faster to your customers, and you know your business better than anyone.


With Digital Transformation, you won’t solve this overnight.  As you learn more you will want to get more sophisticated.  Don’t choose a very basic platform which you find in 6 months can’t keep up with your plans. Look out for Real-Time solutions which let you manage multiple prioritization for each customer, allow deep personalization, can perform real-time next best action scoring, and utilize Machine Learning to predict future behaviour.


Your customers will use many channels, overtime, those channels might change.  So your Digital Transformation needs a Real-Time CX platform capable of easily connecting to any of your current and future channels.  You might think it’s fastest to implement a tool built for one particular channel.  In our experience, that rarely works.  After a few months you will be wanting to connect more and more channels together and your siloed tool makes this impossible.  So make sure you think multi-channel from day one, rather than restricting yourself tomorrow.


Of course Digital Transformation isn’t just about technology, it’s about improving your business and especially the ROI.  We’ve built a number of interactive planning tools so you can predict the increased revenue and cost savings your business could achieve.  Then, as you go live, your CX Dashboards show you if you are on track to deliver those results and, make it easy to refine and improve.  We love our Real-Time CX platform, but we love delivering great Digital Transformation results for our clients even more.

If you agree the time for Digital Transformation is now, then why not get in touch for a no-obligation discussion with one of our consultants.

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