We are a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Journey Orchestration Platforms 2020

Alterian Named a Leader in Journey Orchestration Platforms Evaluation by Forrester
  • Alterian recognized as a leader in journey orchestration by independent research and analysis firm
  • Alterian received the highest score possible in the Journey Orchestration, Quality of Visualization, Client Experience, Usability, and the Commercial Model criteria
    Forrester Wave Leader

Alterian has been recognized as a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Journey Orchestration Platforms, Q2 2020. The report identifies and evaluates the most significant journey orchestration platforms in the market, evaluating current offering, strategy and market presence.

As Forrester states on its site for the upcoming CX North America event, “The pandemic is cranking up the pressure on customer experience. Make-or-break customer relationship moments — where your business must live up to its brand promise or face damage — are now a constant reality.”

Real-time customer experience was born out of the need to help businesses meet the ever-changing needs of their consumers,” says Bob Hale, CEO of Alterian. “The unexpected and transformative changes that have occurred this year means Alterian’s offering is now more essential than ever; it’s almost purpose-built to help businesses survive and thrive at this time.”

Hale continues, “As a validated industry leader in fast and effective CX transformation, we are making the transformation even easier in 2020, packaging our leading approach in a way that immediately helps anyone who needs rapid CX transformation.”

Forrester Wave DiagramThe Forrester Wave report states that Alterian “increases cross-functional adoption, reduces cognitive load on employees, and improves CX by tracking, visualizing, and influencing real-time interactions,” and the “rules-based decisioning and AI help individuals sidestep break points and provide the right action or message.” Forrester goes on to state “the platform is a good fit for companies looking for a use case implementation approach that can scale to deliver real-time personalization, offers, and next steps in the customer’s journey.”

“We believe being named a leader in The Forrester Wave™: Journey Orchestration Platforms is meaningful validation for our hard work and further cements the recognition we continually receive from our clients”, says Alterian CEO, Bob Hale.

Read more about Alterian’s Real-time Customer Experience Platform and unique approach and download the complimentary report.


Learn More - Journey Orchestration

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